60 hour Pre-License Course, 2015 Michigan Residential Code book, Glencoe Carpentry book, Test Prep, and Online Cram Course

1 x 2015 Michigan Residential Code Book   + $0.00
1 x 60 hour Pre-License Online Course   + $0.00
1 x Carpentry & Building Construction   + $0.00

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Price as configured: $749.97

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    Michigan 60 Hour Prelicense Online Course

    This course is approved by the state of Michigan:  State Course Approval ID 15647

    This 60 hour builders license online course is designed to provide you with the information you will need to know in order to pass the Michigan Builders License Examination OR Maintenance and Alteration Exam. This builders license course is approved by the State of Michigan and satisfies the 60 hour prelicense course requirement. This builders license online course is ideal for anyone regardless of experience who is interested in becoming a licensed contractor. You may register for this prelicensing online course by calling 1-800-456-4020 or clicking on the Add to Cart button shown above.

    Features of the Online Pre License Course:

    • Available as soon as you purchase the course. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to access your course.
    • Can complete the course on your own schedule
    • Course split up into 30 minute video segments
    • Knowledge check with 5 questions at the end of each section to help you retain the information
    • Print out your completion certificate as soon as you complete the final section

    Features of the Michigan Builders Test Preparation Course:

    Study for your Michigan Builders Exam anytime, anywhere and from any web-enabled device it's that easy with our completely on-demand online course.  As long as you have access to the internet, you have everything you need to attend our online course and get ready to pass your Michigan Builders Exam. Our online course is available directly on the web, which means there's nothing to install on your computer and nothing to hold you back.

    Compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems, our online course is instantly updated with new exam questions and recent changes to guarantee you learn the most current and up-to-date information available.

    The best part is that once you're registered, you have an unlimited amount of time to access the test prep program, meaning there's NO time-crunch on when you have to complete your online course. As for the course itself, here's what you'll get:

    • Guidance - Focus on the sections you need to know with our highlight feature, which highlights the most important information out of each book needed for the exam.
    • Repetition - Get familiar with the exam with our 600+ sample questions that are similar to what you'll see on the real test.
    • Organization - Just start our course and get going, we've done the organizing for you to make studying quick and simple.
    • Tracking - Assess your exam performance before you pass or fail our program automatically tracks the results of each session and highlights your strengths along with areas that need improvement.
    • Realistic Practice - Conquer your exam anxiety with practice sessions that simulate the real test you'll be able to gauge your speed by answering the same number of questions in the same amount of time as the real exam.

    Features of the Michigan Builders Cram Course:

    • Topic 1 
      • What to expect at the testing center

    • Topic 2 - The Business and Law

      • Regulatory and Statutory Requirements which will consist of 13 questions
      • Types of Business Organization which will consist of 4 questions
      • Estimating which will consist of 1 question
      • Contracts which will consist of 7 questions
      • Project Management and Administration which will consist of 6 questions
      • Accounting and Finance which will consist of 6 questions
      • Insurance, Bonds and Liens which will consist of 11 questions
      • Personnel which will consist of 2 questions

    • Topic 3 - The Practice/Trade Examination 

      • Site Engineering which will consist of 5 questions
      • Plans, Specifications and Estimating which will consist of 14 questions
      • Excavation/Sitework which will consist of 9 questions
      • Footings and Foundation Walls which will consist of 11 questions
      • Concrete which will consist of 7 questions
      • Carpentry which will consist of 16 questions
      • Masonry which will consist of 9 questions
      • Roofing which will consist of 7 questions
      • Insulation which will consist of 5 questions
      • Ventilation which will consist of 2 questions
      • Windows, Doors and Skylights which will consist of 5 questions
      • Siding Installation which will consist of 3 questions
      • Interior and Exterior Finishes which will consist of 5 questions
      • Safety and Employee Protection Including MIOSHA which will consist of 10 questions 

    • Topic 4 - Q/A With students

    The following text books are included in this package:

    • Glencoe Carpentry and Building Construction
    • Michigan Residential Code, 2015
    • Electronic Student Workbook 
    Text books will be delivered to you by UPS Ground and usually takes 4-5 business days.

    In stock

    From $749.97 Regular Price $900.97

    To $749.97 Regular Price $900.97


