Passing your Michigan builder's exam on the first try is crucial. However, preparing for the exam can be a nerve-wracking experience. That's why we've designed our CRAM course to replicate the last-minute studying you perfected in school but with a professional touch. Our Master Instructor, Sid Woryn, will guide you through a comprehensive review of the critical topics and areas of focus expected on the exam, providing you with the best chance to pass on your FIRST attempt.
Our CRAM course offers several key benefits, including last-minute mastery, expert guidance, and first-time success. Just like those last-second study sessions, our CRAM course ensures you're fully prepared for the exam. Sid Woryn, our Master Instructor, brings years of experience to help you navigate the exam's critical topics.
Our course is tailored to give you the confidence to ace the exam on your very first try.

The Cram Course will cover :
- What to expect at the test center
- The eight topics covered in the “Business and Law” section of the exam
- The fourteen topics covered in the “Practice/Trade Examination” section of the exam
- A question and answer session where just about anything test-related will be up for discussion.
See why we’re the #1 training provider in the State
Why Choose Video
Watch Video- #1 Training Provider in Michigan
- Live and Online Options
- A+ Rating with BBB
- 25+ Years in Business Helping over 30,000 Builders
- Licensed Michigan Proprietary School
- 100% Money Back Guarantee
Still need more?
Claim my FREE TrialLorem ipsum dolor sit amet
"It's absolutely amazing. It's not just getting license. If you are new to owning a construction business, you learn all about it in this online course. I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to be a licensed contractor and construction business owner!"
Beso Sharabidze
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"Taking the test in a week.. I'll let you know how it goes.. material was engaging... UPDATE! PASSED IT THE FIRST TIME"
Charles K.
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"I'm 60% through online class and I've learned a lot! The instructors are engaging and provide many personal examples which are very beneficial. I definitely recommend this class if you are interested in getting licensed."
Shane Brezee
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"The Michigan builders license course is proving to be a very informative and educational experience. Well I am still working to achieve my builders license, I am finding the study materials the lectures and reference guides that have been provided to be excellent knowledgeable."
Geoffrey Gabriel
The Fine Print:
- Free Cram Course offered is digital online version.
- Cram course will be added to your online LMS within 1 business day.
- Promotion is only valid during the dates this limited offer is running.
- One free cram course per customer.
- Free cram course must be added to the same account that purchased the 60hr course.
- Free cram course can not be combined with any other discounts or promotions.